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Abandoned Building to Mixed Use Space


The owners and developers of 1544 Main Street, nestled in downtown Columbia’s historic district, significantly renovated the building in 2023. The famous “chicken joint,” Drake’s Duck-In, was temporarily relocated while its space was modernized and more seating for guests was added.  The second floor of the building was also fully renovated and is being leased to the owners of Hotel Trundle as they expand with the Flutter Wing.

Drake’s Duck-In has been a landmark in Columbia since 1907. The newly renovated space is full of articles about the iconic eatery. The addition of the Flutter Wing is a direct response to the number of special events and wedding guests that are consistently hosted at Hotel Trundle.

The building’s history dates to 1868. The renovations restored the façade to its former 1938 appearance with sophisticated brickwork features, restored original hardwood floors, and light wells. The adaptive reuse project is another important catalyst in Columbia’s Main Street revitalization.

TCM was the Tax Credit investor for the project. "We are thrilled to be involved in this project that turned a partially abandoned, historic building into a unique, mixed-use development that showcases the area,” said Josh Workman, CEO, Tax Credit Marketplace.

“1544 Main Street is located within walking distance of local businesses and retailers in the Downtown Historic District. Drake’s return has been highly anticipated by those living and working nearby. Plus, we know guests at Hotel Trundle, and now also the Flutter Wing, will increase traffic for local retailers. It’s a win for everyone.”

Matthew Bridges, co-owner of 1544 Main Street